Video artist and musician, Kutiman has put together another amazing collage of local musicians from Jerusalem. For those not familiar with Kutiman’s style, what the artist does is take independent musicians, and combines their music to create “street symphonies.” This was all pioneered in his previous project “Thru-You” which took unrelated YouTube videos, and mashed them together to create a singular epic audio-visual spectacle. His work was described by Time Magazine as one of the most important inventions in the world in 2009, and none of it would be possible without the power of YouTube.
For his latest project, “Thru Jerusalem,” which Kutiman debuted to the world on YouTube yesterday, is quickly going viral, and was chosen by Mashable as yesterday’s video of the day. The piece documents his journey through the city of Jerusalem, where he recorded local artists - in the streets, behind cafes, and in the studio. All told, there are literally over a dozen instruments going on at once - with Kutiman masterfully arranging them to form what can only be described as Orchestra 2.0.
For 2011, an organization sponsored by the Municipality of Jerusalem has launched Jerusalem Season of Culture, which highlights a different artist each season. Kutiman was chosen as the artist of the season, and “Thru-Jerusalem” was created especially for this project.
Thru Jerusalem
Click To View Video
special tnx to the local musicians who create the sound of Jerusalem.
In This piece I didn't browse YouTube, I actually wandered around Jerusalem , met with musicians and filmed them.
Sousaphone - Udi Raz http://www.myspace.com/udiraz
brass & Groove - Marsh Dondurma http://marshdondurma.com/
Kanun - Safi Swaid
Darbuka - Hani Asad
Viola - Emmanuel Witzthum http://www.myspace.com/digitalkaballah
Drum Kit - Uriel Sverdin
Mpc & Turntable -- Guy Mar www.guymar.com
Dahul- Ittai Binnun http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBWpzfapGTI
Baglama - Tomer Katz www.perachadom.co.il
Biovon - Amir Bolzman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQ7DnvySHFM
Oud - Loab Hammoud
Guitar - Ophir Even Odem http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ag2K33JUvto
Guitar - Lazer Lloyd http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hI-281I8-qU
Violin - Michael Greilsammer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjIRffYH48c
Vocal - Shimrit Greilsammer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjIRffYH48c
Saxophone - Yarden Klaymanhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFsrB9CFe0s
Stay tuned: http://twitter.com/#!/kutiman/