The Israeli Keffiyeh is steadily gaining attention in the world of fashion, and in the process, spreading awareness of Jewish pride, respect, and cross-cultural unity. DeScribe, one of Shemspeed’s hip hop and reggae stars, has joined with Remedy, Wu-Tang Clan affiliate, to take this project to the next level through their new single, “My Keffiyeh,” and its accompanying music video. This dynamic music video which will bring the Israeli Keffiyeh project into the public arena, as it airs on MTV, Fuse, and other cable channels. Not only will “My Keffiyeh” raise awareness of the Shemspeed Keffiyah project, it will also create global awareness of Jewish cultural pride, and showcase the diversity that exists in our community. At this point, all the technical pieces are in place, but we need your support to help make the project happen! Take part in this historic event by making a pledge today.
By clicking below link you can purchase your own THE ISRAELI KEFFIYEH + BELTS, TZITZIT, T-SHIRTS & MUSIC!!