Israelis are to get earthquake and tsunami alerts by mobile phone, television, radio, sirens, pagers, and even their desktop computers courtesy of eVigilo, an Israeli company that has developed an emergency alert platform, IADC (Integrated Alert Distribution Center).
eVigilo developed the IADC, which is operated by the Israeli Home Front Command, to give Israelis advance warning of missile and rocket attacks, but in the wake of the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan in March, Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's Prime Minister, decided to include earthquake warnings, which are to be sent to the population seconds before an earthquake occurs.
Israel is located on the Syrian-African rift, and destructive earthquakes have been common throughout the country's history. Seismologists are worried that the region could be hit at any time by an extremely strong and devastating quake. Israel has advanced technologies already in place allowing for the early detection of earthquakes.
eVigilo's emergency alert platform, IADC, is at the core of the project called "National Message", which is equivalent to the IPAWS program in the US. IADC enables sending geo-targeted alerts and notifications simultaneously to different channels and devices, such as mobile phones, television, radio, sirens, pagers, IP, digital signage, desktops and others.
"We can reach the same audience, and at the same time, reduce disturbances in the country, and increase our advantage in protecting Israelis in various situations," said Netanyahu.
Brigadier General Zeev Tzuk Ram, the head of Israeli NEMA (National Emergency Management Authority), has said: "My worst nightmare is that a strong earthquake will catch us unprepared with inability to warn the population and oversee & control the aftermath."
eVigilo is the only company now offering a multi-technology mass alert platform that can reach millions of people in seconds. eVigilo CEO, Guy Weiss, said: "We are thrilled and honored to have been considered for delivering also the earthquake and tsunami alerts and notifications that are generated by the national sensor network.
EU Emergency Services Workshop 2011 - eVigilo Overview
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