In the fall of 2007, a few students at Yeshiva University came to a startling realization: Jewish collegiate a cappella groups had been formed on almost every college campus with a substantial Jewish student community - every campus, that was, except for YU! This realization soon led to the formation of the Maccabeats, YU’s all-male a capella group. At first, the Maccabeats sang mostly in the privacy of their own practice room, developing a repertoire. Soon, though, their music began to spread and be performed all over campus at a plethora of university events and at numerous concerts. The Maccabeats have since performed all around the country, from New York's Madison Square Garden to Orlando, Florida (and everywhere in between).
Strongly committed to the philosophy of Torah u-Madda, the integration of traditional and secular wisdom, the Maccabeats perform an eclectic array of Jewish, American, and Israeli songs. Their breakthrough piece, Lecha Dodi, is the epitome of this synthesis, combining some of the most beloved words of Jewish liturgy with Leonard Cohen's meaningful and melodic Hallelujah.
In March 2010, the Maccabeats released their first album entitled Voices from the Heights, which is distributed by Sameach Music.
In November 2010, the Maccabeats released "Candlelight," a Chanukkah themed video produced by Uri Westrich, which garnered international attention and was covered by the major news sources. The song is available for download on iTunes or MP3, and the video can be viewed on YouTube.
Purchase or preview a song on iTunes