Shalom friends and supporters –
It’s time for another update; this month has been rocky with Israeli Apartheid Week. However the groups which try to organize Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions against Israel have remained somewhat silent this year.
Israel – Light onto Nations thanks you for your continued support and viewership, our NewsReel’s hit rate has increased to roughly 1500/day, from around 200/day only a few weeks back. Thank you - please continue forwarding NewsReel articles and this URL
to family and friends. We are currently in the process of sending out requests for proposals to various organizations so that Israel – Light onto Nations can create and launch an official homepage with a domain.
In the meantime, we would like to hear from YOU!
- What do you like or dislike about Israel – Light onto Nations.
- Do you know of Israeli businesses and/or non-profit (charities) which would benefit by being written about?
- Did you read or come across an article or video which shows us how wonderful Israel is and the contributions which it has made to better the world?
Of course you have!! Write to me - Light.onto.Nations@gmail.com
Please forward Israel – Light onto Nations NewsReel/Blog to family and friends
Kol Tuv and all the best.