Tuesday, October 16, 2012

UK cricket club visiting Israel

Lords and Commons Cricket Club’s inaugural trip combines original mix of sport, political fact-finding

The Lords and Commons Cricket Club from the United Kingdom is visiting Israel this week for a landmark cricket tour. The inaugural trip will combine an original mix of cricket and political fact-finding.
The tour seeks to highlight co-existence within Israeli society. In line with this, the trip has been coordinated with the Israel Cricket Association (ICA), which was awarded the Spirit of Cricket Award for their Cricket4Peace project at International Cricket Council (ICC) Development Program Awards in 2011.
Cricket4Peace is the first cross-border peace-building project to use cricket to bring together Israeli and Palestinian children from disadvantaged communities.
The UK parliamentarians will travel to Beersheba to play cricket with Israeli and Palestinian children participating in the Cricket4Peace program, through which they will see first-hand the power of cricket in bringing people of different backgrounds, cultures and religions together.
The group will also be playing cricket with Bedouin children in the village of Hura.
A cricket game against an invitational XI assembled by the Chairman of the ICA, Stanley Perlman, and another against reigning national champions, Young Ashdod, have also been scheduled.
Source: Ynetnews