Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Israel guests at Colombia’s Acodal event

Israeli water technology a hit at Bogota main industry expo; delegates from 16 companies meet with heads of Colombia’s water industry

Israel was chosen as the featured guest country at the 55th event Acodal water event, which took place in Bogota, Colombia, this summer, Israel NewTech reported.
“The Acodal water event in Colombia saw double the number of visitors this year,” Israel’s Economic Attaché in Colombia Netta Bar-El said, adding that the organizers attributed much of the event’s success to the fact that many were curious to see the technologies presented by the Israeli delegation.
The Israeli delegation included Aqwise, BlueI,Dorot, GES, Israriego/John Deere Water, Mer roup, Miya, NaanDanJain, Nirosoft, Pexgol, Plasson, Rafael and Takadu.
Water experts from Israel spoke at the seminar, while the Israeli booth and the representatives of the 16 companies in it met with the heads of Colombia’s water industry.
“Colombia suffers from a variety of challenges in the water arena, from infrastructure, to urban water transport, water loss and more,” Bar-El said.
“The Colombian government invests considerable sources in finding solutions to address these challenges, and Israeli companies have a lot to offer.”
Several Israeli companies already head projects in Colombia, include Nirosoft and Bermad.
Colombian companies have long since recognized the Israeli water industry’s expertise and some of the Colombian companies visiting the Israeli Pavilion included the official water utility companies from Bogota and Santa Marta.
Bar-El told Israel Newtech that the industry with perhaps the most pressing need for advanced water solutions in Colombia is the coal mining industry.
Bar-El further said that another delegation of Israeli water companies to Latin America is currently in the works and will visit Colombia and one other country in the region.
Source: Ynetnews.com