This virulently anti-Israel organization portrays Israel as an “illegal” occupier committing crimes against “Palestine” and grossly exaggerates the suffering in Gaza, placing responsibility solely on the Israelis.
Back in June 2011, United with Israel received widespread support when it reported that purchasing LUSH cosmetics helps to delegitimize Israel and strengthens her enemies such as Hamas and other terror organizations. While we are happy to report that the Beverly Hills store was closed, much more work needs to be done. We commend the courageous efforts of JBTLA who has worked tirelssly to expose LUSH’s anti-Israel bias.
We encourage you to visit the JTBLA website at
There is much more work to be done. We urge you to ACT NOW FOR ISRAEL by sending an email to to protest their anti-Israel extremism.

According to the manager of LUSH Cosmetics in Brent Cross, London, LUSH supports the PLO since “Israel is the stronger party” [in LUSH's perception] – as if being the stronger party justifies the intentional targeting and killing of innocent Israeli civilians! Apparently, “right and wrong” does not enter into LUSH’s “ethical” calculation. LUSH’s support of extremists anti-Israel groups is unacceptable and therefore JTBLA urges you NOT to purchase LUSH products until this is corrected.
Click here to view the list of LUSH outlets in the USA.
Watch the video below which shows a group of Israel supporters who met in California to stage a protest against LUSH Cosmetics, due to its support of extreme anti-Israel propaganda. They let LUSH know that Israel supporters will NOT purchase their products until the situation is corrected.
Click To View Video
Once again, we urge you to stand for what’s right by sending an email to to PROTEST their extreme anti-Israel agenda.
Please spread this boycott by ‘SHARING’ this article with your family and friends.

It has come to our attention that LUSH, a leading luxury handmade cosmetics company, gives a percentage of its profits to an anti-Israel organization called “OneWorld”. Upon visiting the OneWorld website (, it is very clear that they are supported by extreme anti-Israel groups that are sympathetic to terrorist activity against the State of Israel. For example, one of the supporting groups is called “Friends of al-Aqsa”. Visiting their website speaks for itself:
Therefore, each purchase of a LUSH product supports extreme anti-Israel activity including boycotts – and perhaps even terrorist activity – against the only democracy in the Middle East.

The hypocrisy of this situation is quite staggering considering that LUSH prides itself on supporting “ethical campaigns”, including numerous human rights issues, yet it has stores in Saudi Arabia, a blatant human rights abuser. And it does not have a store in Israel, a champion of human rights.
We WILL NOT stand for this hypocrisy and must take a stand in preventing additional monies from supporting anti-Israel and pro-terror activities of OneWorld.
It is “interesting” that LUSH listed their support for OneWorld on their UK website, but not on their US website, where sympathy for Palestinian terrorist groups is much lower.
We suggest that the following actions be taken:
1. Avoid LUSH products as long as they support
2. Forward this article to your family and friends (using the “Tell-A-Friend” and ‘SHARE’ buttons below)

3. Post the following on your Facebook page: “If you purchase LUSH cosmetics, you are supporting anti-Israel extremist groups”. Tell people the TRUTH about where their money is going.
4. Demand that LUSH immediately withdraws its support for the OneWorld organization. Click here to contact LUSH by phone:
5. Send an email to to PROTEST their extreme anti-Israel agenda.
Click ‘LIKE’ if you support our efforts in exposing the TRUTH about anti-Israel companies that support extremist, anti-Israel groups, who sympathize with terrorists.
Please ACT NOW for ISRAEL by clicking ‘Tell-A-Friend’ and ‘SHARE’ to spread the word.