Thursday, October 13, 2011

Seeing Jerusalem from the rooftops

Climb up to the rooftops of the Old City of Jerusalem for a completely new perspective on one of the world's most treasured ancient sites.

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The warrens and alleyways of Jerusalem's Old City are usually explored by foot, but a novel way to see the sights is to climb to its rooftops and look down.

Old City of Jerusalem
Photo by Nati Shohat/Flash90
An ultra orthodox family takes a walk on the Old City walls of Jerusalem.
"I really believe that the only way to understand the city is from above," says tour with guide Madeleine Lavine, showing a view from the Aish HaTorah yeshiva that includes the Western Wall, the golden Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aksa Mosque on the Temple Mount. From here you can even see excavations of the Roman Cardo that aren't yet open to the public.

The roof of the Austrian Hospice, the top of the 180-foot-high tower of the multicultural YMCA, or the Tower of David are other good vantage points, but none can beat the Old City walls themselves. Walk along them and you can see history spreading in every direction.