Monday, October 24, 2011

President Peres Visits Gilad Shalit

President Peres Visits Gilad Shalit

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Pilot who flew Shalit home  

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 Lt.Col. R, the helicopter pilot who flew Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit from the Tel Nof air base to his Mitzpe Hila home last week requested the mission from Air Force commander Ido Nehushtan.

Lt.Col. R requested the mission for personal closure. He is the son of Yishai Aviram the pilot who was forced t abandon the fighter jet with missing Air Force navigator Ron Arad over Lebanon 25 years ago.

Throughout the flight Lt. Col. R spoke with Shalit and circled Mitzpe Hila twice so the soldier who could view the thousands who had gathered in the hilltop community to welcome him home.