Monday, October 24, 2011

Palin Meets With Netanyahu as India-Israel Trip Wraps Up

Sarah Palin's quick trip to India and Israel wraps up Monday when she meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. On Sunday, the former Alaska governor and possible 2012 presidential candidate visited the Western Wall, one of the holiest sites in the Holy Land.

"I'm very thankful to know that the Israeli and American link will grow in strength as we seek peace along with you," Palin told reporters afterward. In a statement upon her arrival, the Republican firebrand said, "As the world confronts sweeping changes and new realities, I look forward to meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu to discuss the key issues facing his country, our ally Israel."

During her tour of the Old City, Palin was told that that Jews can't pray openly on the Temple Mount for fear of stirring Arab unrest. "Why are you apologizing all the time?" she told her guides, Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitz and Israeli lawmaker Danny Danon, according to the Jerusalem Post.

The Post quoted Danon as saying, "She didn't go into diplomatic issues, but I can clearly say from the questions she asked in relation to our conflict here with the Muslims in these holy sites that she knows that we are right and that the Muslims are just claiming things for provocation and they're not right."

On Saturday, the GOP vice presidential candidate in 2008 spoke at a gathering of business leaders and politicians in New Dehli, a paid appearance at which she slammed the Obama administration for "dithering" in its approach to the upheaval in Libya. Were she president, Palin said in response to a question, "there would have been more decisiveness, more commitment to those that are freedom fighters" in Libya, CNN reported.

The quick trip is widely seen as an attempt to boost Palin's rather thin foreign affairs credentials. In visiting Israel, she is following a well-trod path for presidential aspirants. Other possible GOP candidates who recently made the same tour stop are Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney and Haley Barbour.