Monday, October 17, 2011

Israel Releases Terrorists? USA Will Have to Pursue Them

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The list of 477 prisoners scheduled to be release include 280 serving a total of 924 life sentences for their involvement in terror attacks in which scores of Israelis were killed.

They include Nasser Yataima who was convicted of plotting the 2002 suicide bomb attack at Netanya's Park Hotel in which 30 civilians were killed and 140 wounded.

Walid Anjas for his involvement in the bombing of the Moment Café in Jerusalem the same year, in which 12 Israelis were killed and 54 injured.

Musab Ashlemon, who was sentenced to 17 life sentences for dispatching two suicide bombers who blew up on two buses in Beersheba in 2004 killing 16 civilians.

Ibrahim Jundiya sentenced to 12 life sentences for dispatching a suicide bomber who blew up a Jerusalem bus in 2002 killing 11.

Fadi Mohammed al-Jabaa sentenced to 18 life sentences for plotting the Haifa bus bomb attack in 2003 in which 17 passengers were killed.

Tamim Ahlam the female Hamas terrorist convicted of aiding the suicide bombers who blew up the Sbarro pizzeria in Jerusalem murdering 15 and injuring scores.

Abd al-Azziz Salaha who participated in the 2000 lynching of two Israeli military reservists who mistakenly entered Ramallah and were attacked and beaten to death by a raging mob.

Despite the heavy price paid for Shalit's release, Israel did not say it would not pursue the terrorists set free in the future.