Monday, October 17, 2011

Gilad Shalit release: Timetable

Expected sequence of events for the Israel-Palestinian prisoner swap that will lead to the freedom of Gilad Shalit, the Israeli conscript held captive in Gaza for the last five years. 

 Israel and Hamas 'agree deal' to release Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit  

Gilad Shalit has been held since 2006 by Gaza-based militants

Stage 1 (approximately 0500 BST) – Hamas will transfer Shalit to Red Cross and representatives in Gaza, who will inform Israel that he is alive.

Stage 2 – Upon "proof of live" confirmation, Israel releases 27 female Palestinian prisoners.

Stage 3 – Shalit is taken by road to Egypt, where he is expected to be for 20 minutes.

Stage 4 – Israel releases 450 male Palestinian prisoners, transferring them by land to the West Bank (96), East Jerusalem(14), Israel (6) and Egypt (334), where 294 will be taken to Gaza and the remaining 40 to Cairo to be sent into exile abroad.

Stage 5 – Shalit is taken to an Israeli base in the south, where he will telephone his family. He will then be flown to the Tel Nof air force base in central Israel to undergo medical checks. He will also meet Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister, and other dignitaries.

Stage 6 – (no later than 1700 BST) – If deemed healthy enough, Shalit will be flown to his home in Mitzpe Hila, a village in northern Israel. 

Below you will find a message from UJA Federation’s partner, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, with information on coverage of the release of Gilad Shalit.   

We hope you can join us to experience history together. 

Ever since Gilad Shalit was kidnapped by Hamas more than 5 years ago, Canadian Jews have mobilized in support of his release. Our Passover seders and shabbat services have included prayers for Gilad; our children have read the story he wrote as a child; many of us have visited with his parents in their Jerusalem tent. We have written to our elected representatives and to the International Red Cross; we have joined Facebook groups and signed petitions. In a very real and personal sense, Gilad Shalit has become our child, our brother, our comrade.

Tomorrow, we will share Israel’s immeasurable joy as his family welcomes him home, even as we reflect on the terrible price of that release.

The handover and Gilad’s reunion with his family will be filmed by a government pool, and will be released in limited scope to the Israeli and world media. Israeli electronic media will be broadcasting live from 6 am Israel time (midnight tonight).

The broadcast can be viewed at: