Sunday, August 21, 2011

Israel Aerospace Industries unveils unmanned aircraft GHOST


IAI showcases GHOST at Washington exhibition; GHOST is able to provide intelligence imagery to soldiers in real time.

Israel Aerospace Industries unveiled over the weekend its latest development in the field of secret unmanned aerial vehicles - a miniature aircraft weighing four kilograms, known as GHOST to foreign customers.

In a Washington exhibition, the IAI showcased the unmanned aircraft that is able to provide intelligence imagery in real time to soldiers in urban areas, and is also suitable for civilian use. GHOST lands and launches vertically and is able to fly and hover while automatically maintaining its altitude.

GHOST has a low acoustic signature, and can stay airborne for half-an-hour including a payload for both daytime and nighttime observations.

The unmanned aerial vehicle can be used by both the military company as well as fighters in the field. The system can be carried in two backpacks by fighters, and it includes two aircrafts, several batteries and a portable computer that is used to oversee and control the device, including communication.

Yitzhak Nissan, the head of the IAI said that “GHOST is at the forefront of technology thanks to years of experience and knowledge acquired in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles.”

The IAI also exhibited in Washington several models of the “Bat”, a hovering platform used to collect intelligence that can provides support in targeted missions as well as another unmanned aerial vehicle known as the “Heron” that is operational in Afghanistan and used by many Western militaries.

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GHOST weighs approximately 4 kg (9 lbs), and provides real-time intelligence to ground forces operating in urban areas. GHOST is equipped with an automatic vertical takeoff & landing system and can loiter for up to 30 minutes. The system was designed with twin rotary electrical engines so it can be silent and support day and night special operation missions.

The unique man-machine interface and operational concept is based on the principles of computer games and makes the system extremely intuitive to operate and requires little training. The entire system can be carried in backpacks by two soldiers and includes: two platforms, batteries, and a command and control unit with communications. GHOST is suitable for paramilitary and homeland security applications due to its simplicity and ease of operation.