Friday, February 7, 2014

The world’s first lightweight breast implant

Breast Implant

Two Israeli brothers, a plastic surgeon and a biomedical engineer, believe they’ve invented the most lightweight silicone implant ever.

An Israeli plastic surgeon and his brother, a biomedical engineer, have invented what they claim is the world’s first lightweight breast implant – B-Lite. It is heading to the European market and Israel is to follow soon.
Breast augmentation and reconstruction are the most common procedures in plastic surgery, with more than 1.5 million implant operations performed worldwide every year.
Dr. Jacky Govrin was addressing a problem that hadn’t been solved since implants were first introduced in 1962: their sheer weight.
Breast implants consist of a silicone shell filled with silicone gel or saline (saltwater). The filling makes each implant weigh about the same as a can of Coke. Since breasts naturally sag over time, adding the weight of a full can of soft drink only hastens the process.
It’s not just a cosmetic issue. Larger implants, especially those used for reconstruction after breast cancer surgery, weigh as much as 500 grams (about one pound) and can cause discomfort, skin stretching and back pain as they pull downward.
So about eight years ago, the surgeon challenged his brother, Dael Govrin-Segal, to design a lighter implant without compromising safety and quality.
“I said, ‘Sure, no problem,’ but didn’t realize it was not easy or trivial at all,” Govrin-Segal tells ISRAEL21c. “There were a bunch of limitations to overcome.”

Dr. Jacky Govrin is interviewed on Channel 10 television about the B-Lite lightweight breast implants and the first breast augmentations performed a day earlier.