Sunday, January 19, 2014

Israel leads global photo apps market


There are almost 13,000 photo applications on iTunes, Google Play. If you look closely out of top 10, almost all originate in Israel. Meet innovative Israelis behind country’s apps advantage

There are almost 13,000 photo apps on iTunes and Google Play. However, if you look closely out of the top 10, almost all of them originated from Israel.
So how come Israelis have captured that throne too? Have Israeli’s become the new Japanese or is it just a technological thing? JewishNewsOne went to find out with some of the developers of those apps.
The editor-in-chief of Israel’s top technology blog, GeekTime, says that the reason Israeli app developers have been busy creating photo apps is probably due to the fact those apps are the hottest trend in the smartphone market right now.
“I think that one of the things that Israel does best is adapt, and once Israel saw the success of Apps like CameraPlus and Instagram, for example, they knew how to adapt to the situation quickly and work their way through it,” says Yaniv Feldman.
“Although our audience is not too much into photography like the Japanese, we understand what other people want. What actually changed in the last couple of years is that Israeli companies have learned what they didn’t know before and that’s marketing. They learn how to market better apps well and that’s what helped bring them to the top list.”
iApps is a hub for building smartphone applications. Its CEO, Ori Segal, says he meets around seven entrepreneurs daily who come to him with ideas for new applications to invest in.
“Something like between six or seven entrepreneurs in the field of applications, so it’s become crazy here in Israel. You can sit in a coffee house and you will hear, ‘I have an idea, I have an idea.’ And if you go to dinner, you will hear, ‘I have an idea, I have an idea.’ So Israel is doing applications.”
We talked to two executives at those Israeli photo apps companies to see why they decided to get specifically into that field.
“Today, every interesting content in the media is with pictures, like posting on Facebook,” says Pixtr CPO Yaron Recher. “If it’s without pictures it’s not interesting, people won’t comment on them, won’t share them, so everything is pictures.”
“I’m not sure that there is something about photos that makes us Israelis perfect or experts,” says Group Shot CEO Yair Bar-On. “I think that the innovation here is going in the right direction.
It’s just a coincidence of maybe people influencing each other, maybe when you talk to other entrepreneurs, and you get more ideas and when you see your friend succeed in this specific niche you get more ideas to follow them.”
So apparently Israelis are busy working on many different apps they feel can change the world, and will probably continue to highlight many top 10 lists on the various app stores also in the future.

There are almost 13-thousand photo apps on iTunes and Google-Play, however if you look closely out of the top-ten almost all of them originated from Israel. So how come Israeli's have captured that throne too... have Israeli's become the new Japanese or is it just a technological thing. We went to find out with some of the developers of those apps.