Sunday, October 27, 2013

Pallywood and the benefits of context

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A photo (above) has been “doing the rounds” in anti-Israel and “pro-Palestinian” circles online. Facebook groups, Twitter accounts, and whatever else people are using to repeat the lie nowadays have been peddling what can only be described as another failed Pallywood attempt to smear the Jewish state and hasten the international community’s withdrawal of support from Israel.

The problem is of course, to those who aren’t mindless repeaters, or in this case, retweeters, there’s always two sides to the story.

Initially, as you can see, the picture portrays an Israeli soldier holding onto a Palestinian woman, presumably because he’s simply an aggressive, occupying bastard. Purportedly, he is even holding onto her hair, even worse of a crime given her submission choice over wearing a headscarf. This guy must really hate Muslims, huh!

Or so they would have you think.

The reality of it follows: The woman in question was just moments before hurling at least one rock at Israeli civilians and soldiers.

Below, you can see her caught in the act of terrorising people, likely in an attempt to provoke a response.

And with regards the soldier’s actions? He’s clearly holding her jacket, not her hair, or headscarf, as zooming in shows.

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So there you have it. More Pallywood lies rumbled, more mistruths set straight.

The question is, are you going to do your part and share this with everyone YOU know?