Sunday, October 6, 2013

Mayor Bevilacqua Leads Vaughan (Ontario, #Canada) Business Mission to Israel

Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua and DJ Schneeweiss, Consul General of Israel in Toronto, at the  launch of the City of Vaughan’s Israel International Business Development Program at City Hall earlier this year.
Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua and DJ Schneeweiss, Consul General of Israel in Toronto, at the launch of the City of Vaughan’s Israel International Business Development Program at City Hall earlier this year.

The City of Vaughan is leading an innovative business mission to Israel that includes 23 participants representing 21 different companies. The mission, which will run from Sept. 28 to Oct. 6, is part of the City’s International Business Development program.

“Israel is an economy that is transforming itself and pursuing excellence in the same way that the City of Vaughan is pursuing excellence by creating opportunities for growth and expansion. The ultimate goal is economic growth which will improve our standard of living and quality of life,” said Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua. “This business mission to Israel shows our commitment to developing foreign markets and will allow us to build strategic relationships with leading Israeli companies. By building and enhancing the City’s international reputation and profile, we will demonstrate that Vaughan is a location for significant business success.”
The mission is being led by Mayor Bevilacqua and includes Ward 2 Councillor Tony Carella and Ward 5 Councillor Alan Shefman, as well as business representatives from the Greater Toronto Area. The City has partnered with the United Jewish Appeal Federation (UJA), the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, the Government of Israel Economic Mission to Canada, Canada Israel Chamber of Commerce and ColdSpring Commerce to organize a series of activities designed to achieve a high return on investment for all the business mission participants.
The mission will include high-level meetings with government officials including the Mayor of the Eilot Regional Council, the Mayor of Eilat and the Charge D’affaires of the Canadian Embassy. The mission has also secured more than 150 one-on-one meetings with Israeli companies that are directly related to the high-tech, industrial, financial and academic sectors. The delegation will participate in an event hosted by the Jerusalem Business Networking Forum that is expected to attract a business audience of more than 100.
Israel is recognized as one of the most dynamic and innovative economies in the world and the program is designed to help businesses engage and collaborate with this thriving economy.
Centred in Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem, the mission will focus on a number of innovative industry sectors including advanced manufacturing, environmental and green products, security, information technology, and scientific and technical products.
Some of the confirmed delegates have already made connections with Israeli businesses to network and prepare for their future international expansion. A business-to-business match-making process is a key component of the mission.
Participating organizations include Groundheat Systems Inc., SLG Consulting, Renewables and Energy Savings, Centennial College, York University, Elias Custom Metal Fabrication Ltd., Mircom Group of Companies, Canadian Gift Concepts/ABA Science Play, Gulf & Pacific Equities Corp., CompuOffice Software Inc., ColdSpring Commerce, Bond Street Mercantile, Domir Blinds Manufacturing Inc., Gulf and Pacific Equities Corp., and Hughes Decorr.
For more information on the City of Vaughan Business Mission to Israel please visit
2013 Vaughan Business Mission to Israel