Sunday, October 20, 2013

Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Naomi Tsur Tops List of ‘Remarkable Female Leaders’

Naomi Tsur

Website Business Insider used the occasion ofInternational Day of the Girl - a global movement to highlight, discuss, celebrate and help to advance women’s lives and explore opportunities worldwide – to launch its “seven women pushing the boundaries… and helping to create a better world for all” list.

At the top of that list was Naomi Tsur, Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem and founder of women’s party Ometz Lev.
Business Insider said “Israeli feminism is finally moving into the offensive with the help of this activist and political leader.”
Her political initiative, Ometz Lev, is led by female leaders in Jerusalem. The party is participating in Jerusalem’s municipal elections next week where it aims to get more women elected to city council seats.
Ometz Lev’s platform promotes ” female leadership, government transparency, environmental responsibility and religious tolerance,” Business Insider wrote.“With female representation in government still shockingly low in countries worldwide, Tsur’s efforts stand to make an impact on Israel as a whole, and possibly even the Middle East at large, a region in much need of improved women’s rights.”
Others on the formidable list which included Tsur, were Malala Yousafzai, the 16-year-old Afghan activist and humanitarian who was recently tapped as a front-runner for the Nobel Peace Prize, National Security Advisor Susan Rice and the founder of Teach for America, Wendy Kopp.