Thursday, September 19, 2013

Ashton Kutcher, Mila Kunis, Donna Karen Attend Kaballah Center Founder Rabbi Berg’s Funeral in Safed, Israel

Rabbi Phillip Berg’s funeral in Safed, Israel. Photo: Channel 2 / Screenshot.
Rabbi Phillip Berg’s funeral in Safed, Israel. Photo: Channel 2 / Screenshot.

Hollywood actors Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis, along with fashion designer Donna Karen, were in Safed, Israel, on Wednesday to attend the funeral of Kaballah Center founder Rabbi Phillip Berg, Israel’s Channel 2 reported.

Channel 2 said 5,000 people attended the funeral, nearly all dressed in white, as Rabbi Berg had requested.
The Los Angeles-based spiritual organization announced the death of Berg — known to followers as the Rav — on its website Monday.
Berg had been in ill health since 2004 when he suffered a stroke. The center said he was 86; public records indicate he was 84.