Monday, August 5, 2013

'Threads' at Jerusalem's Tower of David Museum

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'To have new contemporary fashion within these walls -- just the juxtaposition of the new and the old is amazing.'

What happens when you ask 10 leading Israeli fashion designers to imagine an original outfit for 10 significant women in Israeli history?

You get "Threads," a new exhibition this summer at the Tower of David Museum in Jerusalem.

"Our research team researched each historical personality, then sat with the designers and explained their historical personality, why she was famous, why she was essential to our understanding of history, and the designers then just let inspiration rule their fantasies, and they created very original designs, each one very indicative of that designer's work," says Rose Ginosar, director of resource development for the museum in the ancient city walls.

"We're essentially a fortress. A fortress that's been standing here for over 1,000 years, and to have new contemporary fashion within these walls -- just the juxtaposition of the new and the old is amazing."

Please credit the MFA for any use of this video.