Sunday, June 9, 2013

Israeli mind behind new Intel processor

Intel Israel

Parts of Haswell processor, which is making its way to nearly all new computers around the world, developed by team of 80 Israelis in chip giant’s Haifa, Yakum centers. New Intel CEO to visit Israel on Thursday, meet with local employees

In the coming months, millions of people around the world will sit down in front of new computers and type on their keyboards in English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Swedish, Russians and a variety of other languages. This information, on nearly all of these computers across the world, will be sent from the keyboard to the heart of the machine – a small piece of silicon which serves as the computer’s mind and originates in the Israeli city of Haifa and Kibbutz Yakum.
Chip giant Intel considers its main development center in Israel as one of the company’s most important sites in the world.
More than 8,000 people are employed at Intel’s development centers in Haifa, Jerusalem, Petah Tikva and Yakum and in its Kiryat Gat plant, and the Israeli workers are traditionally deeply involved in the development of the company’s advanced processors, which can be found in almost every computer in the world. So it’s no surprise that Intel’s new processor, Haswell, which was officially launched on Tuesday, was partially developed in Israel.
The new Haswell processors are designed both for laptops and desktop computers, and present a series of improvements in different areas. According to the company, the processor allows over nine hours of active use on laptops, compared to 6.5 in the previous generation.
Like Intel’s previous leading processors, parts of the new processor were also developed by Intel Israel, by an 80-member team in the company’s centers in Yakum and Haifa.
The group focused on energy-saving solutions, and so the processor can continue to hold data in standby mode. Even while in sleep mode, the computer is still connected to the Internet and can download emails.
“The work was fascinating,” said Shlomit Weiss and Uri Frank, senior engineers at Intel’s development center. “We felt we were bringing the processor new abilities which each of us would want in our own computer.”
Meanwhile, Yedioth Ahronoth has learned that Intel’s new CEO Brian Krzanich, who was only appointed a month ago, will arrive for a first visit in Israel on Thursday. Krzanich is expected to meet with local employees to hear about their work.
This will be one of Krzanich’s first visits outside the United States since taking office, stressing Intel Israel’s importance in the eyes of the company’s global management.