Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Israeli women: Safer drivers, better educated

Women Drivers Israel

CBS data show women’s development over the years across number of areas: education, marriage and divorce among others

This week, statistics offered further proof that women in Israel have “come a long way” especially when comparing their standing to men. One shining example: for every woman indicted in an Israeli court, 11 males face the same fate. This according to the Central Bureau of Statistics’ latest data, published Wednesday, in time for International Women’s Day.
The data also showed that women in Israel had higher levels of education and were involved in less automobile accidents in comparison to men.
According to the CBS, at the start of 2012 there were 2,888,300 females over the age of 15 living in the country. Of these, 15.8% were over the age of 65 and 7.8% over the age of 75. The population of men over the age of 15 was 2,741,400 and the number of men over 65 was significantly smaller (than the women).
Over the age of 65, the percentage of women living alone was three times that of men – 32% versus 11%.
Numbers also showed that the age of birth was going up, a result of the rising age of marriage. In 2011, the average age of women giving birth to their first child was 27.3, compared to 26.3, in 2003.
A total of 47,855 women married in 2010, around 90% of them for the first time. The average age for first marriages was 24.8, compared to 23.4 in 1995 and 22.4 in 1980. The average age in first marriages of Jewish women was 25.7 and of Christian women was 25.2. This was higher than Muslim women who married at 21.6 on average, and of Druze who married at 23.
Alternatively, there was a rise in divorces as well. In 2010, 13,042 women divorced, compared to 10,689 in 2003. The average age of women who divorced in 2010 was 37.8. From among the Jewish couples married in Israel between 1968-1971, 7% divorced at the end of eight years. Of those who made it 30 years, 13% divorced after the same number of years.