Sunday, February 24, 2013

Samsung helps Israelis celebrate Purim


There has long been a unique and mutually beneficial relationship between Israel and Samsung.

The Jewish state is home to Samsung R&D facilities, and, in the past, the electronics giant has even sponsored Israel’s Olympic team.
But now, the company is taking its relationship with Israel to a new level in a move that will bring a smile to countless Israelis celebrating Purim.
Samsung is sending 10,000 Purim baskets (mishloach manot) to anyone in Israel lucky enough to have been signed up to the Samsung Mobile Israel Facebook page by a friend or loved one.
And, while Samsung is putting out the gelt to pay for the goodies, their mitzvah is also helping the Israeli economy as it is paying two Israeli organizations, Variety Israel and the Enosh Fund, to put the packages together which will then be sent out via a Facebook app on the Samsung Mobile Israel page.
The app requires loading up a virtual phone with all of the virtues of the Galaxy S3 Mini smartphone (1.0 ghz processor, voice recognition, the latest Android operating system, etc). Once the phone’s loaded up, you’re presented with a form where you can add a greeting, and attach the recipient’s address.
Each yummy and festive package is full of the usual Purim fare – candies, grape juice, and the like – and will be delivered by the end of Purim this Monday to any Israeli address.
Source: ShalomLife

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