Wednesday, January 2, 2013

France’s EDF launches 3 new solar projects in israel

Three new renewable energy projects launched in Negev with $72 million investment by French national electricity company.

Three new renewable energy projects were launched in the Negev last week, with a NIS 270 million (roughly $72 million) investment by the French national electricity company Electricite de France SA (EDF).
The venture, which will see three new solar fields built in the Negev communities of Gvulot, Nahal Oz and Lahav will become operational within six months and produce 18 megawatts of electricity each. In total 75,000 solar panels manufactured in France were installed in the fields.
Energy and Water Minister Uzi Landau, French Ambassador to Israel Christophe Bigot and EDF Energies Nouvelle Israeli CEO Ayalon Vaniche attended the inauguration ceremony.
“The new arrays are the first of many more ventures that EDF will set up in Israel in the coming year,” Vaniche said.
The venture, he added, “reflects EDF’s long-term confidence in the Israeli economy and its huge potential in the field of energy. We see the local communities as strategic partners in these facilities and we have decided that their operation will favor local suppliers and workers.”
The France-based EDF is one of the world’s largest alternative energy companies.
Story via YnetNews