Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Saudi paper presents: Beauties for Knesset

Saudi-based Al-Arabiya dedicates special elections feature to what it calls ‘surge of beautiful women in Israeli politics’

Saudi Arabia’s Al-Arabiya news network devoted a special feature Tuesday to the rise of beautiful women in Israeli politics, following the recent primaries in Labor and the Likud, and the foundation of Tzipi Livni’s Hatnua.
The feature, titled “Beauties lead Israeli Politics,” said that “The fair sex is in the midst of a Knesset race,” adding that “The lists of the parties running for Knesset elections in 2013 are enveloped in perfume.”
The feature focuses on some of the women elected at the various primaries, such as Tzipi Hotovely (Likud), Merav Michaeli (Labor) and Nadia Hilo.
Michaeli is lauded as “Labor’s big surprise,” and the feature delves into her feminist views.
Social justice activist Stav Shaffir, who was elected to the 10th place in Labor’s Knesset roster is also mentioned in the story; MK Hilo is mentioned as a champion of Arab women in Israel and MK Hotovely is noted as “having radical rightists views.”
Labor Chairwoman Shelly Yachimovich and Hatnua Chairwoman Tzipi Livni are also mentioned: Yachimovich is described as having a preference for social issues over political ones; while Livni is recognized as “having a distinguished political career.”
