Saturday, September 22, 2012

The best caviar is Israeli.

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Caviar is one of the most expensive in the world as food. The New Yorker restaurant "Daniel" for his chosen with caviar. Jean-François choose the best.

It is only texture, colors and flavors. And a lot of money, $ 4,000 for 1 kilo, so who is ready to pay the price?

When clients "Daniel" think it's the best caviar in the world, they think it comes from Russia, but in fact it comes from Israel.

This caviar comes from a kibbutz in Israel. A 10000km New York in Galilee Bentsvi Egal and his team produce the famous caviar.

It is at Kibbutz Dan, what produced the most expensive food in the world. 10 years ago, it was expected that the fish are sufficiently productive to start marketing it.

Egal was lucky, because in 2006, the United Nations banned the export caviar from the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea.

This is why Egal began to produce.

In the basins of the kibbutz there are 6000 fish sturgeon. Last year they produced 12,000 kilos of caviar and next year Egal hopes double.

Today Egal and his team checks the quality of eggs. It takes 10 years before the fish sturgeon produces the finest caviar in the world.

The secret of success is simple, genetics and water. The water in which the fish swims, comes from Mount Hebron at the border with Lebanon, water that flows into the famous Dan River.

Caviar produced here is guarded like gold.

And now the best time quality control.

And the kibbutz residents, it is a shame not to enjoy it, because caviar is not kosher!