Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Withdrawal from Gaza - 7 Years Ago Today

Seven years ago today, from August 15, 2005 until August 22, 2005, Jewish residents were evacuated from their homes in the Gaza Strip block of communities known as "Gush Katif". Even today, seven years later, this event continues to have tremendous impact and significance in Israel. 

On the anniversary of this difficult period in Israel's history, watch a powerful and emotional documentary called 'WITHDRAWAL FROM GAZA' (formerly titled 'Unsettled'), online now at  This film gives us a behind-the-scenes look at the people whose lives would forever be impacted by this event, both residents and soldiers. 

We ask you to please SHARE the story by forwarding this email it to at least 7 people today - to help make sure that this event and its impact on current events in Israel is acknowledged and discussed.

To support the distribution of the movie or make comments please send an email to:


On this day, 7 years ago, August 15-22, 2005, the State of Israel underwent an internally polarizing and extraordinary dramatic event which would become known as the disengagement from the Gaza Strip. The film 'Withdrawal From Gaza' offers a personal behind-the-scenes look, both before and during the evacuation, at the people whose lives would forever be impacted by the events which unfolded during those difficult weeks. With the ramifications of the disengagement from Gaza still very evident today, this emotional documentary film takes you back to experience the event from the perspective of both the settler and the soldier.
Please note: Statistics at the end of the film are from 2007 when the film was completed.
To support the distribution of the movie or make comments please email: