Friday, May 25, 2012

The One-Armed Israeli Soldier from Florida

Here is a story of a Jewish boy from Miami, Florida who although only in his low 20′s, has already done extraordinary things with his life. Izzy Ezagui, when he was 19 years old, decided to enroll in the Israeli Defense Forces after visiting Israel a few times.

In 2008, when Israel launched Operation Cast Lead, he was hit by a 120mm mortar shell, losing his left arm. He went through several surgeries and a year of rehab to recover as best he could – and then decided to do something unbelievable – he was going to return to the army without a left arm!

The IDF initially questioned this idea, not quite understanding how this could work practically-how could Izzy actually serve in the army with only one arm? Well, eventually he became the first soldier in Israeli history to come back to the army after such a serious injury. He completed an officer’s course, helped other soldiers in training, and received an award from the President of Israel.

Click below to watch his video:

Click To View Video

Izzy has now launched a campaign to raise money to publish his memoir. His story is a truly inspiring one, and shows the world how a person can go beyond himself and do amazing things if he has the will- and that is what the Jewish People are all about. This is a lesson that must be spread throughout the world. We are counting on YOU to help us do that!


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Credit: Dovid Efune Visit: