Sunday, May 6, 2012

Olympic Torch to arrive in Israel

Iconic symbol of Olympic Games to make flash visit to holly land en route to London

The Olympic Flame will be lit on Thursday in Greece ahead of its traditional journey to the destination of the coming Olympic Games.

En route or London, where it is expected to arrive by July 27, it will make a two-day stop in Israel.

The stop will not be part of the official Olympic Flame Relay – the run’s sponsor, Samsung, is presenting the iconic symbol to Olympic teams worldwide.

The International Olympic Committee broke with tradition for the 2012 Games: The relay will be held in the UK and its immediate neighbors only and not in various countries worldwide.

In Britain alone, some 8,000 will take part in the torch run.

The Olympic Flame will be officially lit on May 10, ahead of a 3,000km journey to London, which is expected to take one week. The flame will be carried by 500 runners in Greece, across 34 cities, before it arrives in the UK on May 19.
