Thursday, April 5, 2012

Three Women Who Can Teach You What Being Tough is All About

Everywhere in the IDF, women play a vital role in all positions, both combat and administrative. In the Air Force, Navy, and Ground Forces- these women man some of the most combative, extreme roles in the IDF.

Today, over 90% of all IDF jobs are available for female soldiers, including a variety of elite positions. Over the last decade, IDF women completed pilot’s course, became naval officers and took on a variety of infantry positions.

Women of the IDF
The following women fight alongside men, contributing to the security of the State of Israel and proving their immense toughness:

Captain Bereket Shamai, a battery commander in the MLRS battalion

Operating Multiple Launch Rocket System launchers (MLRS), Cpt. Shamai’s battalion serves a vital role in every artillery operation. All positions in the Artillery Corps are open to women, including both staff and combat roles. Cpt. Shamai joined the Artillery Corps six years ago and is currently the only female battery commander in the battalion. Bereket decided to spend her military service contributing as much as possible for her country, enlisting to the Artillery Corps. When asked about her achievements she simply responds “I am here because of my personal history and military activity, not because of my gender.”

Captain Bereket Shamai at the Field
Captain Bereket Shamai at the Field

For the first time ever, Naval Officers’ Course distinguished cadet: Lt. Yarden Sel-Man

Three women graduate from the recent Naval Officers’ course, one of whom was recognized as the course’s distinguish officer for the first time ever. Lt. Yarden Sel-Man, from Haifa, was awarded the prestigious award last month, as the demanding course came to an end. After more than three years when she mastered the crafts of the sea and even received her Bachelor’s degree, Yarden is now a naval commander.

Yarden Selman, Naval Officers' Course first female distinguished officer
Yarden Sel-man, Naval Officers' Course first female distinguished officer

 Lieutenant N.: One of 5 women who graduated from the 163rd pilot’s course

Lt. N. graduated the IDF Pilots’ Course specializing in combat helicopter operation. After graduating high school with honors, Lt. N. volunteered with new immigrants from Ethiopia- helping them learn Hebrew and better acclimate to Israeli society. Lt. N.’s father was a pilot, and operated F-15 aircrafts for over 20 years ago. “I always knew I wanted to follow in my father’s footsteps and become a pilot, even when people around me made fun of my ambitions.”

At the end of last year, Lt. N. graduated from the 163rd pilot’s course, being one of a record number of five to successfully finish the course.

A record number of 5 women graduated from the 163rd pilot's course
A record number of 5 women graduated from the 163rd pilot's course