Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Microsoft Technology Center to open in Israel

Multi-million dollar facility for IT infrastructure development and sales to be built in Raanana

A multi-million dollar Microsoft Technology Center (MTC) is to be opened in the central Israeli city of Raanana.

The globally-spread MTC initiative serves primarily for IT infrastructure sales, whose target buyers are medium- and large-sized companies. The centers’ engineers set up complete IT groundwork for its clients – including operating, virtualization and data systems, e-mail servers and intercompany communication. The MCTs are meant to allow Microsoft to sell a wider array of software solutions.

The corporation has opened 11 MCTs across the US in recent years, as well as 14 such centers in cities worldwide, including Paris, Munich, Beijing, Moscow and Dublin. Aside from the Raanana MCT, two centers are in the works for Toronto and Sydney.

The Raanana center is to be managed by Alex Donio, the former information technology team leader at Microsoft Israel’s sales center.

The software giant also operates a research and development center in Herzliya.

The STKI strategic analysis firm found that Microsoft Israel is the largest software provider in the local market, which is estimated to be worth $1.2 billion a year. In the software development tool market, which is estimated to be worth $72 million a year, Microsoft is only second to IBM. It holds third place in the document management market, following IBM and Ness Technologies. Microsoft trails Oracle, IBM and SAP in the analytics solution market.


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