Sunday, April 22, 2012

Jerusalem Marathon 2012

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The Jerusalem International Marathon will take place for the first time on March 16, 2012. The selected running tracks narrate the story of the city of Jerusalem in the course of 3000 years of history.

The track of the Jerusalem Marathon is breathtaking; it combines a challenge for the runners with splendid views and the typical culture of Jerusalem.

This marathon offers three running tracks:
• The full marathon -- 42.195 km
• The half marathon -- 21 km
• The 10 km marathon.

The runners in the full marathon and half marathon will enjoy an exceptional event in addition to the traditional pasta night.

In the course of the days preceding the marathon, the municipality of Jerusalem will host an EXPO fair, displaying an exhibition on the themes of sports and health.

What was it like? Watch and see for yourselves!

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