Sunday, April 15, 2012

Israeli plays reach London stage

Israel, UK to collaborate as part of new initiative which brings contemporary Israeli plays to British audiences

Israel’s cultural relations with the UK have suffered the effects of the anti-Israeli boycott movement in recent years, as Israeli art struggels to find its place in Britain. A new initiative seeks to expose contemporary Israeli theatre to British audiences and creators.

The project ‘New Writing from Israel’, initiated by the Tik-Sho-Ret Theatre Company of Israeli artists who live and work in Britain, is set to open in London’s Tristan Bates Theatre on April 29. As part of the project, some of Israel’s most prominent emerging playwrights will showcase their work in the UK for the first time, revealing a wide range of styles and points of view.

The project will feature five plays: Gesher Theatre’s “5 Kg of Sugar” directed by Yevgeny Arie; Beit Lessin’s “Here Comes the Light Behind Me” by Oded Lifshitz; Tmuna Theatre’s “Jump” by Ella Moshkovitz‏ Weiss and “Hoky Poky” by Eyal Vizer; and Habima’s “The Promised Land” by Shay Pitovski and Sahar Pinkas.

Tik-Sho-Ret Theatre Company was established by Ariella Eshed in 2005 with the aim of giving Israeli and Jewish plays a platform, creating educational and community-based projects around themes of communication and co-existence and promoting cultural exchange through collaborations.

The new initiative is supported by the British Council’s Bi-Arts program, and the Foreign Ministry’s Cultural Relations Department. The project will also include open panels with Israeli artists and writers.
