Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Israel to Launch Google Street View Sunday

Famed Google Maps application Street View, which is a technology featured in Google Maps and Google Earth providing 360-degree panoramic views from positions along streets throughout the world, will be launched in Israel on Sunday.

Just eight months since Google was given the go-ahead by the Law, Information, and Technology Authority to release special Street View photography cars throughout Israel to photograph streets in Israel’s major cities, the launch will be celebrated on April 22 with Israeli government officials in attendance.

The service, which has been the source of controversy and privacy lawsuits in several countries, will feature images of the streets of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa, Nazareth and Mizpe Ramon, as well as the Dead Sea and the Kinneret/Sea of Galilee.

According to the Haaretz newspaper, Israeli authorities required Google to provide full details of all routes Google photographers intended to take, as well as to provide residents with the capability of blurring out license plates, homes, and other personal information before images are published.

Additionally, any litigation which may result from the Google’s Israeli Street View images must be conducted in Israel, not the United States. Google has also promised not to dispute criminal claims against it by arguing that the Law, Information, and Technology Authority lacks the standing to prosecute.
