Saturday, April 14, 2012

Eco-agriculture gets official boost

New department to promote ‘new direction Israeli agriculture will take in years to come,’ says Minister Noked

The Agriculture Ministry announced it is forming a new department to focus on ecoagriculture.

“Forming the new department symbolizes that new direction Israeli agriculture will take in years to come,” Agriculture Minister Orit Noked.

She added the decision “reflects the ministry’s multidisciplinary approach, which constantly strives to find the best way to combine the needs of modern agriculture with natural and social resources.”

The new department’s mission statement is to determine the damage caused to natural resources as a byproduct of using fertilizers and feticides, as well as devise alternative ways to preserve agricultural resources such as land and water, while maintaining biodiversity.

The Agriculture Ministry’s Ecoagriculture Department will also promote the ministry’s guidelines on agro-preservation.

The new department will also offer training for farmers on how to make the move to and sustain ecoagriculture practices.

Another aspect of the new department’s operations will be to follow agricultural trends and meeting any challenges the changing markets’ demands may pose.
