Sunday, March 18, 2012

Tel Aviv goes Irish

Local social network organizes night of fun and Irish whiskey to mark Saint Patrick’s Day in Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv is gearing up to mark Saint Patrick’s Day on March 17th with green outfits, Irish whiskey, and parties across town.

International Israel, a local social network for expats and foreigners living and visiting Israel, is holding a special event that will bring people from across the world together and expose them to the best Tel Aviv has to offer on the special day.

The event will start at the Gordon Inn Hotel and Guest House on the corner of Gordon and Ben Yehuda Streets, where participants will enjoy the traditional Kilbeggan Irish Whiskey, before heading to three St. Patrick’s parties for a night of fun, Irish drinks and mingling.

“I think most internationals who are coming to our tours and events want to have a good time and, most importantly, they want to meet many people from all over the world and celebrate together,” says the social network’s organizer, former Israeli model and writer Timor Bar.

“The event will start relatively early,” says Bar, “so it’s important to be on time, as Tel Aviv’s streets can get very crowded on St. Patrick’s Day.”

Saint Patrick’s Day, also known as Saint Patty’s, is an old Irish tradition that was made an official feast day in the early 17th Century. Today it is marked worldwide, including in the United States, Scandinavia, and now in Israel as well.
