Thursday, March 29, 2012

4 Inspiring Things You’ll Find in the IDF

The IDF is a special army in many regards. Here are 4 reasons why the IDF is not like any other army in the world

1) Incredible Technology

The IDF features some of the most amazing and cutting edge technology in the world. Whether it’s unmanned vehicles, highly-advanced defense systems, robots, simulators or innovative battle solutions; IDF soldiers get to work with the most modern technology available. Not only do these technologies allow IDF soldiers to stay on top of their game, they actually save lives.

IMI Delilah Missile
"The most amazing weapon in the IAF today" - Delilah's eye can spot you from over 15km away

2) Amazing People

The IDF is full of people who go the extra mile and even further to defend their countryits citizens and their fellow soldiers. Whether it’s people who leave everything behind to enlist, or folks who overcome incredible obstacles so they can volunteer; it’s lone soldiers, army heroes or even reservists who won’t leave the field. Their incredible motivation gives the IDF its internal strength and makes it one of the most successful armies in the world.

Oren Almog, terror victim who volunteered to the IDF
Oren Almog, left blind after surviving a terror attack  volunteered for service in the IDF

3) Gender Equality In The Field

Over the years, the IDF has put in great efforts to enable women to serve in almost all positions available. Combat soldiers, instructors, high-ranking officers, pilots and field intelligence soldiers–without women the IDF would not be the army that it is today.

Mixed Female, Male Battalion Holds First Joint Drill
Female soldier of the co-ed Caracal Battalion

4) Helping Out Worldwide

In the last 26 years the IDF has sent over 14 aid delegations to countries around the world that were struck by disaster. Most of the delegations were staffed with reserve soldiers from the Search and Rescue Unit and IDF doctors, who established field hospitals upon arrival. Israeli medical personnel saved more than 417 people from certain death, provided medical care to more than 3,700 injured patients and delivered more than 47 babies. Wherever disaster hits, the IDF will send its soldiers to help people in need.

Rescue of a Haitian Man from Government Building
IDF reserve soldiers rescue a Haitian man from a government building.