Friday, December 9, 2011

Join Our Event to 'Thank Israeli Soldiers' - December 25!‏

United with Israel, in conjunction with "Thank Israeli Soldiers", is proud to be sponsoring our 1st Annual:


This amazing event will take place on the 6th night of Chanukah:


Time: 5:00pm to 7:00pm Israel time (that's 10:00am - 12:00 noon EST)

We are planning to broadcast the event LIVE via streaming video on Facebook. More info to follow.

American and Israeli students and families will join together with Israeli soldiers and commanders on a military base on the outskirts of Jerusalem. The event will feature music, dancing, traditional Chanukah food, and of-course, the "Lighting of the Menorah".

The soldiers on this base provide critical security to Israeli citizens, These are the men and women who man the checkpoints to inspect vehicles and individuals seeking to enter from Palestinian controlled areas. They are our front line against terror... They are outside all day and get very cold in the winter, just like we all would!

A special ceremony will be held in honor of the soldiers in which 'Warm Winter' care packages from 'United with Israel' supporters will be given to the soldiers. Personal letters from admirers all around the world will be presented as an expression of gratitude and unity.

If you are interested in attending, buses will leaving from a central location in Jerusalem. Due to security concerns, private vehicles will NOT be allowed on the base. For more info about the event, please contact us:


Phone: (Israel) 052-289-0353 (USA) 201-499-7870

To provide "Warm Winter" packages, write a personal letter to a soldier, donate the "Sderot Menorah" or become a sponsor of the event, please visit:

We feel honored and privileged to thank the brave young Israeli soldiers who risk their lives each and every day to protect and defend the People of Israel.

Please bless Israel by saying 'THANK YOU' to our beloved Israeli soldiers!