Sunday, December 4, 2011

Female Soldiers Study First Israeli-Developed Martial Art: Krav Maga

The course for female soldiers training to be exercise instructors is currently well under way. Soldiers training to be exercise instructors, among a variety of health, sports and combat fitness, also take classes in Krav Maga (lit. “contact combat”), an Israeli-developed form of martial arts.

Krav Maga Instructor Explains the Basic Principles of the Israeli Martial Art
Krav Maga Instructor Explains the Basic Principles of the Israeli Martial Art
Krav Maga is the defensive tactics system used to train the security forces in Israel. It had been developed by the IDF with the purpose of training their soldiers in self-defense both on the battlefield and off of it. As the martial art of self defense advanced, it spread to civilian populations throughout Israel and abroad. Krav Maga was quickly modified for civilians, especially youth, once it was finally recognized as an indispensable skill for everyone.

Female Soldiers Practice Kicks and Punches as a Part of a Training Exercise
Female Soldiers Practice Kicks and Punches as a Part of a Training Exercise
Yesterday, female soldiers who are studying to be exercise instructors had a Krav Maga training session. Led by Krav Maga Instructor Cpl. Rachel Shir, the soldiers learned about the principles of the sport, primary among which is the emphasis not to fight for fighting’s own sake, but rather to protect oneself by first neutralizing one’s attacker, get away from the area and call for help. Cpl. Shir said: “I chose this job out of a sense of vocation. I’m proud to be a soldier in the IDF and I appreciate all the things the army has given me, like the lifelong friends I’ve made here, and the professional training that I received in the army. I really feel that I’ve widened my horizons.”