Monday, November 7, 2011

The Weizmann Institute - Where science is a lifestyle

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Israel's Weizmann Institute is consistently cited as one of the best places in the world for academics to work.

Why did The Scientist magazine name the Weizmann Institute of Science ( in Rehovot, Israel, the "best place to work in academia" outside the United States -- for the third time?

Here we take a look at just three of the many innovations under development at this institute for graduate study:

Dr. Michal Sharon's mass spectrometer, which vaporizes large molecules to analyze their shapes and compositions -- with implications for correcting damaged proteins that lead to diseases like Alzheimer's or Parkinson's; Dr. Avishai Gal-Yam's research into exploding stars; and Dr. Maya Schuldiner's custom-made robotic microscope.

Schuldiner stresses that the Weizmann was founded by scientists and is run by scientists. "And it therefore has a spirit, or an understanding, that science is not a profession. Science is a lifestyle. It's something that you take with you, to whatever you do."