Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Israeli relief group awarded prize for work in Japan

The Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the US on Tuesday was set to award an Israeli disaster relief group with a prize for its work in Japan in the aftermath of the earthquake which wreaked havoc in the country earlier this year. The Luminary Award will be given to IsraAid at a ceremony held at the Hilton hotel in New York. 

“Five delegations of Israeli doctors and post-trauma specialists have so far treated over 2000 children and hundreds of professionals,” the group said in a press release. “The teams are training local teachers, social workers, nurses, doctors, local community leaders, and private sector representatives in how to cope and help others cope with PTSD – Post Trauma Stress Disorder.”

IsraAid was one of several local and international Jewish and Israeli organizations that mobilized in the wake of the natural disaster which struck the island nation including the government of Israel, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) and theJewish community of Tokyo.

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Source: Jpost.com