Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Israel Premieres Children of Haiti Photo Exhibition at this Year’s Harlem Week

Photo: Joe Shalmoni

Every year, New Yorkers gather by the thousands to celebrate the sights, sounds, arts, and amazing food that makes Harlem a very special place. Harlem Week began in 1974 as “Harlem Day,” a single day tribute devoted to Harlem’s rich economic, political, and cultural history. The one day event has transformed into an entire week celebrating Harlem and inviting Harlemites and all New Yorkers to participate and share in the celebration of this remarkable community.

The central theme of this year was “Harlem Remembers, Salutes and Celebrates the Children of Haiti.”

In the aftermath of January’s devastating earthquake, Israel sent search and rescue units and relief workers to the area.  Once on the ground, the Israeli teams immediately went to work.  Rescue units extracted individuals from the rubble and doctors set up the first advanced field hospital, complete with wards, incubators, and modern equipment.

Photos were taken to capture and record the remarkable story of the brave men, women, and children of Haiti. Entitled “Scenes from Haiti,” the photos taken by the IDF and Israelis on the ground were on display in the children’s exhibit.

“The Consulate General of Israel in New York is excited to participate in several Harlem Week events this year,” said Israel’s Consul General in New York Asaf Shariv. “Harlem, like Israel, has a rich history full of inspiring individuals, revolutionary artists and musicians.  We are proud in our shared enthusiasm and friendship which makes our bond unbreakable.”

This year drew a tremendous crowd. The children’s festival alone, where “Scenes from Haiti” was exhibited, brought in 20,000 visitors over the weekend.