Monday, November 28, 2011

19 Kids And Counting Visits Israel

Last week on TLC’s 19 Kids And Counting the Duggar family enjoyed sightseeing in England. Their tour included  a lift on the London Eye, the mystery of Stonehenge, double-decker bus rides on the wrong side of the road, and they found out what “Toad in the Hole” really is. Michelle suffered a little nausea mainly because she is having their 20th baby in 2012.  This week their trip takes on a more spiritual aspect and they head off to Jerusalem, Israel to see many of the locations in the Bible.

First they went for a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee where they were invited to put on biblical costumes and have an impromptu photo shoot. The kids really had fun dressing up. Lunch was next and the teenage girls were a little grossed out to be served whole fish with the eyes still intact but found it to be delicious.

A trip to the Jordan River was next. Jim Bob had always thought that that would be a great place to be baptized and they prepared for that. Amy was the only one in the group who had never been baptized before so she was particularly excited. During this experience Jim Bob spotted a number of huge river rats swimming around them and they found that the fish in the water was nipping at their ankles. Jim Bob though it was really neat to be baptized in such a special place.

Next on the list was “Genesis Land’ where they rode camels. Michelle opted out because of her pregnancy but everyone else joined in, even Grandma. They also swam in The Dead Sea, which is the lowest point on the earth. The kids smeared mud on themselves and each other. Grandma was convinced that the mud has medicinal qualities so she scooped up a few baggies full to take home.

Soon they were shopping in the old city and Jim Bob couldn’t get over the diversity of the people and the range of products for sale. He especially enjoyed the bartering.

The next morning baby Josie woke up with a fever and congestion so Mom and Dad took her to the clinic while the rest explored the Garden Tomb where Jesus had been laid after he died. The family was overcome by this place and sang “Amazing Grace” in unison. The bible really came to life for them at that special place.

Meanwhile the Doctor told Jim Bob and Michelle that Josie shouldn’t fly so the rest packed up and flew home leaving Jill and Michelle to stay behind with Josie. After a very long week Josie was given the go ahead to fly with a doctor on board and soon everyone was back together again in Arkansas.

Jim Bob didn’t think that they would ever look at the bible in the same way again after seeing the places that Jesus had been. The Duggar world tour covered Scotland, Ireland, England and finally Israel. It was wonderful but it’s over and Michelle exclaimed, “It’s nice to be back.”

What do you think of the spiritual aspect of this part of their trip? Do you think the show would be the same if the Duggar’s didn’t express their faith? Post a comment and let us know what you think.

Full story via Reality TV Magazine