Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Turkish flautist to play at Dead Sea festival


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Despite the deteriorating relations between Jerusalem and Ankara, Turkish flautist Omar Faruk Tekbilek intends to perform at the Tamar Festival at the Dead Sea on Sunday.

Tekbilek has visited Israel at least 15 times since 1998 and said he intends to perform at the Dead Sea festival as well as in Nazareth with Arab musicians.

He told reporters that while he is aware of the situation between Israel and Turkey he is not a political person but a musician.

Over the past 15 years he has performed at thousands of festivals around the world and sold millions of albums.

When details of his performance in Israel were made public, Tekbilek said he received a letter from a
Palestinian organization asking him to cancel his show in Israel. A musician's job he said is to allow people
to forget their troubles and connect to their souls in order to handle daily life better.

