Monday, October 3, 2011

The StandWithUs Israel Fellowship Graduation 2011 - Alumni talk about the program

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The flagship StandWithUs Israel Fellowship brings together Israel's elite students, the future leaders and representatives of the State of Israel. Endorsed by Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Union of Israeli Students, this prestigious program trains outstanding students from major Israeli universities and prepares them to assume leadership roles in Israeli society.

Fellows are taught by some of the brightest and most well-known leaders in academia, international affairs, public diplomacy, politics and history. Throughout the academic year, the Fellows learn to debate, run campaigns, and understand the media - important skills they can take into the world to advocate for Israel. They are also actively involved with StandWithUs International programs and become the "human face" behind the headlines as they go out into the world and break hundreds of stereotypes about Israel and Israelis.