Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Crossing Borders, Veterinarians Save Jordanian Dog

A pet can be more than just a pile of fur, or even more than a best friend, it can also be a member of your family. So when Tam-Tam, a 6 year-old dog in Amman, Jordan fell ill, his owners did everything they could to get him the best treatment possible, as if he were their own flesh and blood. A little over a week ago, Tam-Tam, who had suffered with back pain, suffered a stroke and became partially paralyzed. Its owners, a couple in their 40s, rushed Tam-Tam to a local Jordanian hospital, where they realized he had a herniated disc, and needed to be treated immediately if Tam-Tam is ever to regain mobility.

Unfortunately, the clinic in Amman did not have the ability to save Tam-Tam, and his only hope would be to cross into Israel for treatment. Luckily, the Israeli clinic went the extra mile for this dog, sending someone to drive to the border to pick up Tam-Tam, as its owners had no time to spare, even if that meant sending their precious pooch far from home. After a CT scan at the Israeli clinic confirmed Tam-Tam’s condition, an emergency surgery lasting two hours proved successful, the Jordanian dog was able to slowly recover over the last few days and is now able to move its hind legs. A full recovery is expected over the next couple of weeks.

Said the doctor who performed the surgery, Dr. Uri Segal, “Tam-Tam was no different than any dog that comes to us for medical treatment, the only difference being that while most owners can come and visit the dog in the  hospital almost every day, his owners in Jordan received regular updates by e-mail us and on the phone.”

The extraordinary story ends back in Jordan, when Tam-Tam was reunited with his family after an eventful few days.