Sunday, October 16, 2011

Canadian Organization Helps Make Tzfat Medical School Possible

The new medical school in Tzfat was made possible with the assistance of the United Israel Appeal of Canada.
The new medical school in the city of Tzfat, which will open its doors for the first time on October 30, was made possible with the assistance of the United Israel Appeal of Canada.

According to a report on the Shalom Toronto website, the United Israel Appeal of Canada joined forces with the other partners in this project: Bar-Ilan University, the United Jewish Israel Appeal in the United Kingdom, the Rashi Foundation and the Russell Berrie Foundation.

The school will initially have some 124 students who will have their classes in buildings next door to the Ziv Medical Center in Tzfat.

Shalom Toronto reported that at the same time, construction will begin on a $400-million campus on a hill overlooking the Kinneret. Construction is expected to be completed in 2016 and the medical campus is expected to eventually grow to include close to 1,000 students.

Studies will include special programs in clinical departments at hospitals in the north of the country, including Tzfat, Nahariya, Nazareth and Tiberias.

Staff members have been recruited from leading universities, also abroad, some of whom are immigrating to Israel with their families. Others are Israelis who are returning to the country to live in the Galilee.

Last month the Israeli government approved some funding that will enable the school’s students to begin their studies.

“For years, United Israel Appeal of Canada has been at the forefront in reducing disparities between residents of central Israel and residents of the northern periphery and has invested millions of dollars in welfare and education programs,” Yossi Tanuri, Director-General of the United Israel Appeal of Canada, was quoted by Shalom Toronto as having said.

“These programs have significantly improved the lives of residents of northern Israel,” he added. “A fifth medical school in the Galilee will provide growth and prosperity beyond any chance that was ever given to the area.”