Thursday, September 15, 2011

Vertigo Eco-Village promotes green living in Israel

A project of the Vertigo contemporary dance troupe, the village welcomes visitors to take part in environmental workshops and mud-building.

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A chicken-coop-turned-dance-studio provides the heart of the Vertigo Ecological Arts Village, a project of the Israeli contemporary dance troupe Vertigo. The aim is to nurture art and creativity that engage with the environment.

Vertigo Eco Village

"Many artists are dealing with humanity, but I couldn't separate what I'm working at, what I'm creating and how I'm living," says Noa Wertheim, co-founder of the troupe.

Vertigo maintains a studio and school in Jerusalem, but the company also rehearses here in the eco-village in the Ela Valley, where bedrooms are lit by "green" electricity and showers are fashioned from discarded army beds. Hundreds of visitors take part in mud-building and green technology workshops.