Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Poll Results: What do you think is the most important recent news event?

Poll Results: What do you think is the most important recent news event?

Libyan rebels toppling the regime of Muammar Gaddafi. - (0%)

Terrorism, rocket attacks in the South and anti-Israel protests in Cairo. - (66%)

Syrian President Bashar Assad's ongoing 5 month crackdown against pro-democracy protesters. - (16%)

Social justice rallies, housing protests, doctor's strikes in Israel. - (0%)

New Yorkers panic when earthquakes and hurricanes come within 1,000 miles of the city. - (0%)

None of the above. - (16%)

Next poll: How should Israel react to diplomatic sanctions from Turkey?

If you have comments, suggestions and/or additions you would like to see within "Israel - Light onto Nations" - please email: Light.onto.Nations@gmail.com